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+ How to Prepare for a facial

  • It's recommended to schedule a treatment one to two weeks prior to a big event. This gives the skin enough time to recover.

  • Discontinue any active topicals: retinols, AHA, or BHA exfoliants the days leading up to your treatment. These products may make your skin overly sensitive.

  • Try to come in makeup free. Removing makeup takes time away from your treatment.

  • Treatments are performed on the face only. However, please wear a shirt that allows access to the neck (a t-shirt works perfectly, hoodies or large sweaters are not recommended). Feel free to remove your shoes and hop right on top of the blanket on the facial table.

  • Communication is key. I will check in throughout the treatment to make sure you are comfortable. Speak up if you experience any discomfort with products or techniques.

+ Facial Aftercare

  • Stay hydrated.
  • Be gentle when washing your face. Your skin may be sensitive following your treatment.
  • Avoid heavy makeup the day of your facial.
  • Avoid using any exfoliating scrubs, AHAs, BHAs, retinoids for at least a week following your facial.
  • Sometimes the face can feel dry after a treatment. Totally normal! Always call/text with concerns.
  • Wear sunscreen every day and reapply.
  • Professional SkinCare products will be recommended to enhance your results and routine. This is not just to sell you products. You're coming in for monthly treatments, if you want to achieve your goals, professional product is necessary.

+ new client expectations

  • Come prepared with questions, goals, your skin history, and information about any medications you take.
  • It's best to schedule the Silver Moon Glow. This allows enough time to dicuss your goals and treat your skin.
  • Bring in your current skincare products or a photo of them. This helps me decipher what products may be missing from your routine and what your skin may need.

+ How often should I have a treatment?

  • This depends on your goals. Treatments are recommended every 2-6 weeks, but will be discussed at the time of your visit.


+ How to Prepare for MicroChanneling

  • Arrive without makeup on.
  • If you experience frequent cold sores, taking acyclovir or valcyclovir starting two days prior to your treatment will reduce the likelihood of a recurrence.
  • Discontinue retinol or tretinoin at least 7 days prior to treatment.
  • If you've had any other facial treatments such as Neuromuscular blockers (Botox, Dysport, Xeomin) fillers, laser treatments, chemical peels, threads etc. At least two weeks is needed between services.
  • Pre treatment and products may be needed.

+ Who can't do microchanneling?

  • Anyone who has been on Accutane(Isotretinoin) in the past 2 years.
  • If you have Hemophilia or similar bleeding disorder.
  • Any condition that seriously impairs your immune system.
  • Any inflammatory skin condition including psoriasis, eczema and dermatitis.
  • Active radiation or chemotherapy.
  • Pregnanancy or nursing.
  • Uncontrolled diabetes.
  • Active herpes simplex.
  • Allergy to stainless steel.
  • Chronic inflammatory skin disease.

+ DOES Microchanneling HURT?

There can be some discomfort during the treatment. However, it is generally considered mild if at all. Numbing cream is used.

+ What's the downtime?

  • It is imparitive that you follow all pre, post and home care instructions for best results.
  • You can expect mild redness, tightness, erythema, itchiness, warmth, sensitivity, general light sunburn appearance to skin. This typically clears up in 1.5 to 72 hours.
  • These indicators serve as small triumphs for your skin, showcasing its capacity to enhance collagen production.
  • Mild skin sloughing, acne and milia can occur in rare cases. Don’t pick!

+ When should i SEE RESULTS?

You can anticipate an improvement in skin quality and appearance within 24 hours post-treatment. Substantial improvements are typically observed over the ensuing weeks. The number of sessions needed varies based on individual skin goals, condition, lifestyle, age, and other pertinent factors. For conditions like scarring, skin laxity, and deep wrinkles, it may be advisable to undergo 6 or more treatments for optimal results.



A chemical peel is a superficial rejuvenating treatment, in which a chemical solution is applied to promote the growth of new skin cells. It helps improve skin ailments such as: acne, fine lines, hyperpigmentation, scarring and uneven texture. Peels can also stimulate collagen and elastin.


While every skin type reacts differently, you may experience a tingling, stinging, warming or itching feeling, similar to a sunburn, but it’s generally not painful. After the skin peels, there may be some slight reddening and irritation as new cells form. There is minimal to no downtime the day of treatment. On very rare occasions people may experience swelling or infection.


  • Discuss your current skin care regiment and any concerns with your Esthetician. A pre-treatment skin care regimen may be required.
  • Discontinue the use of active products, such as: retinol, aha/bha products two weeks prior, unless directed otherwise.
  • A chemical peel cannot be done on a sunburn.
  • Avoid hair removal (tweezing, waxing, depilatory products and electrolysis) for a week prior to your treatment.
  • Avoid any cosmetic injections two weeks before and after.
  • Reschedule your appointment if you have a skin infection, active cold sore or sunburn.

+ chemical peel AFTERcare

Recovery time varies person to person.

  • Never pick or pull your skin! Doing so may cause hyper/hypo pigmentation and/or scarring. You will also pull healthy new skin cells off.
  • No makeup until your skin is completely healed.
  • Avoid the sun for a full two weeks! Wear sunscreen and sunhats every day.
  • Avoid heat for 48 hours! Excess heat may be too stimulating to the skin; causing blisters or light-headedness.
  • Skip your next workout.
  • Avoid alcohol consumption and smoking.
  • Avoid swimming, steam baths, ovens, hairdryers, hot showers until skin has completely healed.
  • Do not use any other skincare products unless directed otherwise.
  • Purchase post skincare products.
  • Follow all post care instructions discussed with your Esthetician.
  • Call Immediately if there are any problems. A follow up visit may be required.



Pain tolerance differs for everyone. However, I believe my technique offers you the most comfortable service possible. You can take acetaminophen about an hour prior to your appointment. Waxing more frequently will help with sensitivity because you will have less hair over time.


While this varies person to person, you should expect to be hair-free up to two weeks after your appointment!


This is a myth! Hair is removed from the root and eventually grows back softer and thinner.

+ Hair length

Three to four weeks of growth is best. About a 1/4 of an inch or as long as a grain of rice. Trimming is okay, but not recommended. It's better to leave it a little longer than too short.


A light exfoliation one day prior to your appointment helps lift any hair under the skin, giving you smoother results. Cleansing wipes are provided at your appointment.


  • Avoid standing water.
  • Avoid tight clothing.
  • Avoid heat and friction.
  • No intercourse after a Brazilian wax.
  • Wait 48 hours after your appointment to exfoliate.
  • Ask your skincare therapist for recommendations.
  • Don't pick at ingrowns! Apply a warm compress instead.


Yes! Although you may be more sensitive, you can still have a Brazilian. Please use a new, clean tampon just prior to your appointment. You can also take acetaminophen to help with any sensitivity.


Yes! It is safe to have a Brazilian wax while you are pregnant. Just let your skincare therapist know beforehand. If you're still unsure, speak to your doctor.


Bikini: Hair is removed just inside and outside the panty line, with the option to remove a little from the top. Offered to female clients only.

Full Bikini: A modest Brazilian. Hair is removed further in than a bikini and off the top. Leaves the hair on the inside and backside. Offered to female clients only.

Brazilian: Hair is removed from the pubic region, inner/outer labia and inner backside, with the option to leave a strip. Offered to female clients only. This service takes about 30 minutes.